Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cover Images Again

Reading Scott Archer Jones' essay in the Piker Press "Why We Write" I was inspired by his words about the characters inside his imagination wanting to speak, so that he had to find the right words to satisfy them. I went to the Library of Congress Flickr gallery and found snippets of people.

And then I got a book from my shelves, an ancient book called In the Heart of the Sierras, by J. M. Hutchings, a book so old it doesn't have a page with a copyright date in it. I photographed a page without illustrations, leached the color out of it in Photoshop, and added my snippets.

I like it.

And I love the internet. I did a search on "In the Heart of the Sierras" and found that the book was published in 1886 -- the title page was torn out of my copy.

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