Friday, November 28, 2008


Last night I worked on a short story I've been kicking around called "Rat in the Attic."

I was exhausted after making Thanksgiving dinner (which Bernie and I have decided that overall was THE best feast we've ever done in 33 years of married life), but I wanted to do a little something of writing. 400 words got me to a point in the tale where I have to stop and think about how I want it to move.

This afternoon I had another look at it and was pleased enough with how it played. However, I did make a mental note at my penchant for rat jokes. I honestly don't know how that got started. But it gave me "The Ballad of Jimmy the Rat" and "Fever Dreams 107."

It's sad that the original graphics for "Jimmy the Rat" were lost. I guess that just will have to be another two creative efforts in the near future, making new ones.

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