Wednesday, December 10, 2008


There is an hour or so each week when I am nailed to a seat and forced to occupy my mind.

I take my granddaughter to her religion class every Wednesday after school; while she drives some volunteer teacher batty, I sit in the car and wait, with my laptop and/or drawing pads and/or notebook.

There are no dishes to jump up and wash, no Press work to be done without an internet connection; the church grounds are out in the country, so aside from the graveyard, there is no place to take a walk, and it's too dark at that time of day (and cold) anyway.

So in these dim days of December, the laptop is the toy of choice. I installed Photoshop on my laptop, but had never used it until today.

This simple composition was my laptop's maiden effort with Photoshop.

I've always been fond of sundown/sunrise pictures ... and dark-colored pictures.  This one was fun to play with -- and I think that the "play" part of it was the most valuable result. I know I don't "play" enough with my talents; maybe one day I'll rediscover how to do that ... and then find myself at the Pearly Gates, asking, "Do we get computers with Photoshop on them?"

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