Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Back To Resolution

Some months ago I deleted this blog, as the creative effort of my resolve settled down into simply parking myself in a comfy chair with my laptop and writing, writing, writing... and my posts were very boring. "I wrote another 500/1100/43 words this evening/last night/this afternoon."

Not very interesting, especially when I wasn't about to share what I was writing -- some of it was too personal, some of it was too saccharine, and some of it just plain stupid. But it was therapeutic, as I worked through my grief over my sister's death, and therefore of value to me.

Some 200,000 words later, I've stopped writing every day; a tangled partial novel sits on my desk in a box (the other two are still in files on the computer) waiting for me to edit the tangles out of it so that I can go on and finish it. Eventually it will appear as a serial fiction piece in The Piker Press.

The idea of editing just puts a huge block on my creativity, and so, for the past couple weeks, the most creative stuff to come out have been the cover images for the Press. I'll post my most recent favorite here.

The picture was done first in plain old pencil; when I decided on the lines I switched to a super-soft 9B solid graphite pencil, which goes on paper almost like ink.

Then I scanned it into Photoshop for color.

It accompanies Mel Trent's story "End of the Line" from her book The Immortal Guns of Talon Constantine.

Many thanks to Wendy Robards for mentioning this blog in hers.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I always keep up with this blog - it is very inspiring to me! Keeping touch with our creative selves is so important (something that I sometimes lose track of)...and I agree with you - editing can be the most creative-killing thing we do (which is a good excuse for me not having edited ANY of my Nano novels!).