Monday, February 9, 2009

Simple Graphic

I have to admit this isn't a very complicated effort for the day.

It's the cover image for Dan Mulhollen's story, "In A Different World."

This gimpy shoulder and arm just don't make for comfortable computer work at all. I put up about half the Press yesterday, and after Physical Therapy, I did the rest. By the time I got to Photoshop, I felt very weary.

A little later I tried working in the studio on that damned weird-colored pastel effort (see above) but the Flex-all treatment of my shoulder and neck made it feel too cold out there.

While I was irritably scraping pastels across the paper, it occurred to me that what I should have done was take one small section of Svob's work and tried to imitate that. Taking on an entire page of his jittery style is just too much.

And tonight my arm and shoulder ache enough that if he came to the door, I'd smack him a good one, out of frustration.

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